Ilobu Indigenes Roll Out Events To Mark Olobu's 50th Coronation Anniversary

By Hameed Oyegbade 
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Oba Ashiru Olatoye Olaniyan (The Olobu of Ilobu)

Indigenes of Ilobu town in Osun State have rolled out events to commemorate the 50th coronation anniversary of Oba Ashiru Olatoye Olaniyan, the Olobu of Ilobu.

During a press conference at the Olobu's Palace, the Chairman of the Coronation Anniversary, Alhaji Abdulwahab Ademola Falowo said the momentous occasion was to mark a half-century long of dedicated service, patriotic leadership and selfless work towards the development of the community

He said the monarch has been a shining example of selflessness, compassion and devotion to the well-being of our community over the past five decades.

Falowo said Oba Ashiru Olatoye Olaniyan was enthroned in 1974 and unwavering commitment to the progress and development of Ilobu has been inspiring, and his guidance has been instrumental in shaping our town into the thriving hub it is today.

He highlighted activities lined up for the commemoration to include Cultural Display, Iwure Ifa, Special Prayers, Education Summit, Chieftaincy tittles, Health Outreach and football Competition.

According to him, "As we reflect on the past 50 years,we remember the countless achievements, breakthroughs, and triumphs that have defined Oba Ashiru Olatoye Olaniyan reign. His Majesty foresight and wisdom have navigated us through times of challenges and changes, always prioritizing the betterment of our people."

"We honor the legacy of our ancestors and the resilience of our community, which has flourished under the leadership of His Royal Majesty."

"As part of the Golden Jubilee celebration, the Olobu of Ilobu will Conferring Chieftaincy tittles on some distinguished Nigerians, including the Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Nurudeen Adeleke, his sister, Yeyeluwa Modupeola Adeleke-Sanni and the Ilobu-born business mogul, Alhaji Azeez Olalekan Kolade (AZKOL) as well as Senator Ajagunla among others."

"As we look to the future,we are filled with hope and optimism, knowing that His Majesty's continued guidance and wisdom will propel our community towards even greater heights. We thank the Almighty God for the life of our monarch and most importantly, for the long reign. We beseech Him for more prosperous years", Falowo said.